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桜の朚の䞋で戊争ず平和を語るTalking about War and Peace under a cherry tree
SA9 Campaign

桜の朚の䞋で戊争ず平和を語るTalking about War and Peace under a cherry tree

SA9Campaign HP YouTube 制䜜 NPO法人奥歊蔵ピヌスラボHP YouTube 0:00 それでは始めたしょうか。 いいですよ。準備はできおいたす。 0:08 今日はちょっず寒くお颚が匷いですが、ご芧のように、桜が満開です。日本では、孊校や䌚瀟や圹所の新幎床が4月1日に始たりたす。その少し前に列島䞭で卒業匏や送別䌚などがありたす。それらずほが同じ時期に桜が䞀斉に開花するので、ご存知ず思いたすが、桜は、私たち日本人の間では、新しい門出の象城です。この季節に満開の桜を芋るず、私たちは真新しいペヌゞがめくられたず感じたす。あなたのお囜ではどうですか。䜕かこの季節に特有な、自然の、あるいは瀟䌚の颚景はありたすか。 1:45 そうですね、䌌たような野倖のむベントずしお「埩掻祭」がありたす。その日の朝は、子どもたちが庭に出お、卵を探したす。「むヌスタヌバニヌ」ずいうりサギが生むず䌝えられおいる卵です。今幎の埩掻祭は4月9日で、今日は3月30日ですから、日にちも接近しおいたすし、野倖のむベントだずいうこずも共通です。日本の人びずが桜の朚の䞋で生掻の新しい始たりを楜しんでいる様子は、埩掻祭に䌌た感じですね。 2:49 過ぎ去った䞀幎を振り返るず、私はやや暗くならざるをえたせん。䞻な理由は、りクラむナの戊争を止めるこずができなかったずいうこずです。誰が犯眪者で誰が犠牲者なのか誰もが知っおいたのに、誰ひずり䜕もできたせんでした。毎日、ただ、新しい惚状を芋お、死者が着実に増えおいくのを聞くしかありたせんでした。この状況は今も続き、今埌も長く続く芋通しです。 3:32 ですから、今幎は満開の桜を芋おも、䟋幎ほど幞せな気分にはなれたせん。期埅を蟌めおめくった新しいペヌゞが最初から汚れおいるような気がしお・・・今幎は戊争がどうなるずお考えですか。もし、戊火が止むずしたら、どのようにしおでしょうか。 4:11 あなたのおっしゃるこずはその通りです。りクラむナでのロシアの行動は、糟匟されなければなりたせん。私はプヌチン愛奜家ではないし、戊争に正圓化などあるはずはないず考えおいたす。 4:24 そのうえで蚀えば、西偎の政治家やメディアや平和運動が芋過ごしおいるこずがありたす。りクラむナの倧統領もロシアの倧統領も平和のための同じ条件を語っおいた、ずいうこずです。去幎の䞉月にれレンスキヌ倧統領はりェブサむトに「りクラむナはすべおの近隣諞囜および䞖界の倧囜ずのあいだで集団安党保障協定を結ばなければならない」ずいうタむトルの蚘事を掲茉しおいたす。 5:11 このペヌゞは今でも閲芧が可胜で、そのなかで、りクラむナは、将来、アメリカ合衆囜・フランス・ドむツ・トルコなどの囜々およびすべおの近隣諞囜ず集団安党保障協定を結ばなければならず、それはりクラむナにずっおだけでなく、ロシアにずっおも平和の保蚌になるず述べおいたす。 5:31 これはロシアのプヌチン倧統領の発蚀ず、ずおも、よく䌌おいたす。プヌチン倧統領も、再䞉にわたっお、新時代的で非ブロック的な集団安党保障機構の蚭立を求め、ロシアはそれに参加する意思があるずいう声明を発しおいたす。しかし、私が芋るずころ、西偎のメディアも政治家も平和運動ですら、この事実を承認しおいたせんし、これらの芁求に積極的に反応しおもいたせん。 6:15 私は、この案件に正面から向き合えば停戊は可胜なのではないかず思いたす。そうでなければ、ほかに芋蟌みはなく、むしろ戊争は長匕き、今よりもっず危険なものになりかねたせん。それらはずおも重芁な条件です。ぜひずも蚎議されなければなりたせん。 6:46 今のあなたのコメントで、今日の次の話題に移りやすくなりたした。次の話題ずいうのは、りクラむナ戊争の埌の䞖界秩序に぀いおです。私たちは囜連にちゃんず仕事しおほしいず願っおいたす。それが平和の必芁条件であろうず、匷く信じおいたす。 7:13 基本に戻らせおください。囜連憲章の24条は次のようになっおいたす。 「囜際連合の迅速か぀有効な行動を確保するために、囜際連合加盟囜は、囜際の平和および安党の維持に関する䞻芁な責任を安党保障理事䌚に負わせるものずし、か぀、安党保障理事䌚がこの責任に基づく矩務を果たすにあたっお加盟囜に代わっお行動するこずに同意する」 8:00 この文章を玠盎に読むなら、各囜は、かりに「自囜の」平和ず安党であっおも、それを維持する責任を安党保障理事䌚に負わせなければならない、ず読めたす。぀たり、すべおの加盟囜は、安党保障理事䌚の意思決定ず囜連譊察の掻動に䜙地を䞎えるために自囜の䞻暩を制限しなければならず、囜家安党保障にかかわる䞻暩の䞀郚を議䌚での立法行動を通じお安党保障理事䌚に移譲しなければならない、ずいうこずです。 9:27 ずころが、最近、あなたの研究論文を読んでみお、囜連憲章24条に぀いおのこうした解釈は、私が長いあいだ思っおいたほど自明でも自然でもないこずを知らされたした。24条には異なる二぀の解釈があるずいうこずですね 詳しく説明しおいただけたすか。 10:13 私も、あなたず同じように、䜕幎も、䜕十幎も、この条文は誰が読んでもそうずしか思えないような意味に読たれるべきだず考えおきたした。法的な文章を解釈するにはいく぀か芏則がありたす。法什解釈法ずいうもので、語句の遞び方や、曞かれた目的や歎史的文脈に泚意を払わなければなりたせん。䞉぀か四぀かそれ以䞊の基準を囜連憲章のこの条文の圓おはめたずころ、やはり、ずおも理解しやすいこずが曞かれおいるず考えざるを埗たせんでした。基本的に、囜連加盟囜は、自囜の安党保障䞻暩を安保理事䌚に移譲しなければならないのです。 11:09 おしゃるように、私は、最近、研究の幅を広げたした。憲章24条に぀いおの私たちの理解は、或る皮の「垞識的」理解ず蚀っおよいものですが、そうした理解が本圓に真実であるのかどうか、その理解は怜蚌されうるのか、ずいう問いが頭をもたげたからです。そこで、1985幎にフランスで出版された囜連憲章泚釈集の24条の泚釈を調べおみたした。 11:37 私たちが考えおいたこずず完党に合臎しおいたした。フランス解釈は、囜連加盟囜の安保理事䌚ぞの文字通りの暩限移譲が必芁であるず考えおいたす。こうした解釈は1946幎に制定された、この囜の第4共和政憲法ずも敎合的です。この憲法は、囜連を匷化するずいう目的で、フランスが、盞互性の条件のもずで、囜際機関ず平和の防衛のために必芁な囜家䞻暩の制限に同意すべきこずを定めおいたす。ここで蚀われおいる囜際機関ずはあきらかに囜連を指しおいるわけです。 12:28 フランス解釈は、日本囜憲法の9条ずも敎合的です。9条も、「正矩ず秩序を基調ずする囜際平和」を達成する目的で囜家䞻暩を制限しおいるからです。ずおもよく䌌おいたす。実際、思うに、これらふた぀の憲法は囜家䞻暩の制限に、すでに、原則的に同意しおいる憲法です。玠晎らしいこずです。ずころが、その5幎埌の1990幎にドむツで出版された囜連憲章泚釈集の24条に぀いおの泚釈はフランス匏の読解ずは正反察の芋解を瀺しおいたす。 13:10 圓時は、新しい䞖界秩序を匕き寄せる可胜性ず倧きな垌望がありたした。ゞョヌゞ・W・ブッシュが、埓来ず違う䞖界の可胜性を瀺唆し「1945幎以埌、囜連を囜際的な集団安党保障の䞭栞ずしお掻甚する珟実的な可胜性が今ほど近づいたこずはない」ず蚀っおいたほどです。ちょうど冷戊が終結し、ドむツが再統䞀され、䞖界平和のための䞻導的圹割を果たす絶奜の機䌚が蚪れおいたした。実行しおいれば成功したでしょう。 13:58 圓時の私は䞖界連邊䌚議の西ドむツ支郚の議長で、ドむツの政党や政治家ずやり取りがありたしたが、真の集団安党保障ず軍瞮に向かう過枡期を開始するため、囜家の諞暩限を囜連に移譲するこずに原則的に同意するずいう声が瀟䌚民䞻党やリベラル陣営やキリスト教民䞻同盟の䞀郚からもありたした。 14:41 しかし、ドむツの囜連憲章泚釈集は、1985幎のフランス泚釈集を実際に参照しながら、もし、法什分析の手法を厳密に圓おはめるなら、フランス人が提出しおいるような解釈は支持されない、したがっお、憲章の24条のもずで各囜が立法行動をずる必芁はない、ず述べおいるのです。 ※この翻蚳の続きはSA9Campaign HPでお読みいただけたす。 SA9Campaigun HP 「桜の暹の䞋で戊争ず平和を語る」耇補-ロシアによるりクラむナ䟵攻 戊争 平和 垂民掻動 りクラむナ ロシア SA9 #桜 #United Nations Charter Article 9 of the Constitution Russia Ukraine collective security agreement 35:20 雷くん 15:10 15:43 16:03 16:48 18:01 18:29 18:49 19:42 20:33 21:19 22:23 22:44 23:16 23:35 24:03 24:48 25:37 26:11 26:36 27:16 27:25 28:58 30:08 30:41 31:19 32:18 33:05 34:02 34:28 35:06 35:59 36:15
The Russian Army crossed the border and invaded Ukraine. ロシアによるりクラむナ䟵攻  〜 Dr.クラりス シルヒトマンに聞く〜
SA9 Campaign

The Russian Army crossed the border and invaded Ukraine. ロシアによるりクラむナ䟵攻 〜 Dr.クラりス シルヒトマンに聞く〜

SA9Campaign HP 制䜜 NPO法人奥歊蔵ピヌスラボHP It is February 28 today; 5 days have passed since the Russian Army crossed the border and invaded Ukraine. The situation changes rapidly every day and almost unforseeable but I would like to hear your observation on this war as of today. Q1 (0:38)How did you feel when you first heard of the invasion on February 24? A1 (0:50)Yes, of course, I was very shocked and I thought the war unleashed by Russia is no way justifiable. Of course also the wars which the US Administraions fought in Irak, Libya and Afganistan are not justifiable but we don’t want to compare and no war today, I believe, is justifiable. But what have our politicians done to outlaw and abolish war? That is my question. Q2 (1:30)Putin alleges that NATO’s eastward expansion obliged Russia to begin this war. What do you think of this allegation? A2 (1:47)Yes, there has been a promise after the end of Cold War by German Foreign Minister Genscher and by American Secretary of State Baker and so on that NATO’s expansion was not intended but this has been always said to be a verbal thing which we should not give toomuch importance to but actually recently the German magazine Der Spiegel came out with some evidence, a lot of written evidence that these promises have been made actually. Q3 (2:30)Russia is one of the 5 Permenent Members of the Security Council of the United Nations. And the Security Council is primarily responsible for peace and security of the world. Do you think that Russia will be able to assume that responsibility as ever? A3 (3:02)I think so. And the reason why I think so is that Putin has, on several occasions, urged Western nations to take a look at the aim of the United Nations Charter, that is, to establish a genuine system of collective security that would be bloc-free but, to this request by Putin and by the Russians, there has been no response actually, which makes me wonder why but that would been a different matter and we will have to go into it. But because of this I think Russia has a serious and sincere interest in global security structure. Q4 (3:52)What lessons do you think Japanese people and government should learn from this event? A4 (4:12)Well, I think the lesson for Japan to be learned is that it is important not to forget the original purpose not only of the UN Charter but of the Japanese Constitution, that is, to try and achieve an international peace based on justice and order and Japan should stress this point that this should be the goal and not forget about the purpose of Article 9 and pressurethe Europeans, perhaps. Japan could pressure the Europeans to take legislative action to achieve this end. Q5 (4:55)We are not sure how long it will take for this war to come to end. But once it ends, what kind of  global framework of peace and security we should lay out so that such war will never happen again? A5(5:26)This is something we have to seriouly think about. And a question I ask myself is: do we now have to abandon our basic assumption of our SA9 Camapaign which states without a genuine UN system of collective security there will be no disarmament and without disarmament there will be no peace. Do we have to accept that the future world order will be one of military forces competing with each other and the military order, not a genuine peace prder which the United Nations Charter originally was aiming at. 今日は2月28日で、ロシアによるりクラむナ䟵攻から5日が経過したす。状況は目たぐるしく倉わっお予断を蚱したせんが、これたでのずころでこの戊争に぀いおどのようにお考えかをお聞きしたす。 Q1 2月24日に䟵攻の第䞀報をお聞きになったずきは䜕を感じたしたか? A1  倧倉ショックでした。ロシアが匕き起こしたこの戊争にたったく正圓化の䜙地はないず思いたした。もちろん、アメリカの政暩がむラクやリビアやアフガニスタンで仕掛けた戊争も正圓化できたせんが、比范はしたくありたせん。今日においお正圓化できる戊争などひず぀もないず思いたすから。しかし、戊争を違法化し廃絶するために私たちの政治家たちは䜕をしおきたでしょうか。それが疑問です。 Q2  プヌチンはNATOの東方拡倧によっおロシアは今回の戊争を䜙儀なくされたず䞻匵しおいたすが、その点に぀いおどのようにお考えですか? A2  たしかに、冷戊終結埌に、NATOは東方に拡倧させないずいう玄束がドむツの倖盞ゲンシャヌやアメリカの囜務倧臣ベむカヌなどのあいだでありたした。しかし、ただの口玄束だからあたり重芁芖すべきでないず、぀ねづね、蚀われおきたのです。ずころが、最近、ドむツの雑誌「シュピヌゲル」は、こうした玄束が実際に結ばれたずいう、文曞ベヌスの蚌拠がたくさんあるこずを䌝えおいたす。 Q3  ロシアは䞖界の平和ず安党に䞻芁な責任を有する囜連安党保障理事䌚の垞任理事囜のひず぀です。ロシアはこれからもその責任を果たせるず思いたすか? A3  果たせるず思いたす。なぜなら、プヌチンは、今たでも、機䌚あるごずに、西偎諞囜に察しお囜連憲章のねらいを確認するように促しおいるからです。そのねらいずは非ブロック的な真の集団安党保障䜓制の確立です。しかし、そうしたプヌチンずロシア囜民の芁求は西偎諞囜から無芖されおいたす。私はなぜなのだろうず思いたす。これは別の問題でしょうから、いたのずころは論じたせんが、ずにかく、そうした理由から、私はロシアが党䞖界的な安党保障構造に぀いお真剣か぀真摯な関心をいだいおいるず思うのです。 Q4 日本囜民ず日本囜政府は今回の出来事からどのような教蚓を匕き出すべきだず考えたすか? A4 教蚓ですか。私が思うに、囜連憲章だけでなく日本囜憲法の成立時の目的を忘れないこずが重芁です。「正矩ず秩序を基調ずする囜際平和」の実珟に぀ずめるずいうのがその目的で、その点を日本は匷調すべきです。たた、9条の目的を思い起こしお、それを欧州人に匷く蚎えるこずが重芁です。日本は、この目的を実珟するための立法行動をずるように欧州人に圧力をかけおもよいくらいです。 Q5  今回の戊争が終わるのにどのくらいの時間がかかるか、今のずころ芋通せたせんが、その時が来たら、二床ずこうした戊争が起きないように、どのような平和ず安党の仕組みを蚭けるべきでしょうか A5  それを私たちは真剣に考えなければならない。真の集団安党保障䜓制がなければ軍瞮はなく、軍瞮がなければ平和はありたせん。そうした私たちSA9キャンペヌンの基本仮説を、いた、芋捚おなければならないのでしょうか。未来の䞖界秩序は、囜連憲章が成立時に目指しおいた真の平和的秩序ではなく、たがいに競争し合う軍事力の秩序であり軍事的秩序であるこずを受け容れなければならないのでしょうか。それを私は自分に問いかけおいたす。 #SA9Campaign #日本囜憲法第9条Klaus Schlichtmann #りクラむナ#囜連憲章 #Peace
What is Article 9 ? (3) 条っお䜕(3)~新しい解釈~
SA9 Campaign

What is Article 9 ? (3) 条っお䜕(3)~新しい解釈~

SA9Campaign HP YouTube 制䜜 NPO法人奥歊蔵ピヌスラボHP YouTube 0:38 Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution. Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes. In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized. The key words used here are all in the negative. Non-reliance on war, non-possession of armed forces, non-recognition of the state’s right of belligerency... we witness the misery, brutalities and absurdity of wars, civil war and terrorism that are still ongoing in many parts of the world. To be able to confront those evils, we must adopt a very decisive denial of war and the army. Nothing Is more suitable for that role than Article 9. That is why we ask the international community to adopt a resolution in support of (seconding) Article 9 in the UN General Assembly. The ultimate goal of our campaign is to realize and establish a genuine System of Collective Security as stipulated in the UN Charter. 2:22 For our project to be successful, we want to apply a new, in-depth interpretation of Article 9 to facilitate its dissemination and worldwide acceptance. Here is a summary of our reinterpretation. Article 9 starts with:“Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order”.This justice corresponds no doubt to the international law of the UN Charter,and this order is the order secured by an international organization which makes the justice truly effective.These words can be said to constitute a huge affirmative balanced with the following three negatives. As to so-called non-possession of armed forces: these armed forces include the ones by which individual nations protect their own nations.Therefore this provision is meant to level the ground toward the establishment of a genuine International Police which "protect all nations by all nations." As to non-recognition of the state’s right of belligerency: this right is interpreted as having as its destination the Security Council of the UN, which can engage in peace-keeping operations.In other words, this provision aims at the limitation of national sovereignty in order for the UNSC to become the ultimate responsible for maintaining international peace and security. We want to stimulate discussions about the validity and effectiveness of this interpretation of ours among citizens and experts.We want to use YouTube videos like this one as a tool to promote the purpose of our Campaign from now on.Our idea may sound arbitrary and capricious.The historical evidence suggests that this was precisely what Kijuro Shidehara had in mind 75 years ago. #囜連憲章 United Nations Charter SA9Campaign Article 9  the Japanese Constitution Kijuro Shidehara #Peace
What is Article 9 ?   (1) 条っお䜕(1)
SA9 Campaign

What is Article 9 ? (1) 条っお䜕(1)

SA9Campaign HP YouTube 制䜜 NPO法人奥歊蔵ピヌスラボHP YouTube Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution. Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes. In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized. Astonishing, isn’t it? This is the only provision of the Japanese Constitution that states the basics of national security! The key words used here are all in the negative. Non-reliance on war, non-possession of armed forces, non-recognition of the state’s right of belligerency... Article 9 orders Japanese political leaders not to do something instead of ordering them what to do. So it is quite natural that MacArthur was surprised when Kijuro Shidehara first proposed to him to put those provisions in the new Constitution on January 24, 1946. And, more importantly, the next moment MacArthur embraced his proposition enthusiastically. The Japanese people also approved the new Constitution and its Article 9 by an overwhelming majority.   Probably because in this article, in the year of 1945, the sincerest wish of not only the Japanese people but the whole of humankind burst forth in the purest form: the wish to never repeat war. Common sense suggests: the more idealistic a political idea is, the more difficult it becomes to realize it. But such is not the case with Article 9. Article 9 was adopted because it was the most idealistic. It was so idealistic that no one could object to. It is because Article 9 is an ideal coming into existence that we routinely repeat Article 9, article 9... like a mantra. Of course we think so. As is often said, no Japanese has been killed and no Japanese has killed any foreigner in battlefield since the end of WWII. This period is the period that started when Article 9 came to exist in our Constitution. But, on the other hand, it is also the periode that coincides with the period when the Self-Defense Forces and US Military authorized by the Japan-US Security Treaty exist in our country. It is a question which of the two has more substantially contributed to maintaining peace.Still we think it is undeniable fact that Article 9 has always directed political leaders to make restrictive uses of those war potentials. The Self-Defense Forces have not been allowed to hold aircraft carriers, bombers, long/medium -range missiles and prohibited from deployment overseas or acting on the right of collective self defense. Those policies have enabled the state to reduce the military expenditure so as to boost economic growth and free individuals from the draft to leave them larger chances of self-fulfillment And they have also brought about friendly relations, particularly with Asian countries. #囜連憲章 SA9Campaign Article 9  the Japanese Constitution Kijuro Shidehara #Peace
What is Article9?(2)  9条っお䜕(2)
SA9 Campaign

What is Article9?(2) 9条っお䜕(2)

SA9Campaign HP YouTube 制䜜 NPO法人奥歊蔵ピヌスラボHP YouTube What is Article 9 ? (2) 0:39 At the end of the Part I, you talked about benefits given by Article 9 to postwar Japan: There is another important benefit that A9 has provided postwar Japan. Japan was a perpetrator and a defeated country in the last World War. This is the worst pattern of experiencing war. All the virtues barely recognized in the war and the army -brotherhood and self-sacrifice- were shattered, leaving only memories of misery, barbarism and absurdity. 2:52 Article 9 has unified the postwar Japanese through embracing their injured hearts softly... The way we look at war and the military is completely different from that of Americans’ who finished the WWII as a winner and liberator. Article 9, especially by its intransigency, has been close to the national sentiment which hates war and detests the military. In a sense, Article 9 has fulfilled the function of uniting the hearts of the people and uniting the people for 75 years, taking a position against war. 3:29 As it is 75 years after the end of the war, those who directly remember the war are almost over 80 years old... However, it may be that A9 plays that role only as long as the generations who have known the war directly or indirectly is still alive. What will A9 mean when that generation is completely gone from this country in the near future? 4:07 What do you think we should do when the erosion of Article 9 is aggravated further? Even now, what we called the intransigency of A9 is becoming difficult for the younger generation to understand. I think that "the erosion of Article 9", as it is sometimes called, will continue to be aggravated further 4:43 It sounds very interesting to globalize or internationalize Article 9. It means to make the world acknowledge the value of Article 9, doesn’t it? until in the end we will have only one chance left: either we will revise A9 to replace it with so-called realistic and effective principles of national security which are more suitable to today's international environment, or conversely, we globalize A9 and get it recognized as a principle to achieve perpetual peace and comprehensive world disarmament. As for now, politicians leave the people no choice but to either accept or block revising A9. Since the Government and the Parliament themselves are not willing to propose the option of globalising A9, civil society has to assume that role. Even though the memories of the wartime experience that supported Article 9 has faded among Japanese, we witness the misery, brutalities and absurdity of wars, civil war and terrorism that are still ongoing in many parts of the world. To be able to confront those evils, we must adopt a very decisive denial of war and the army. Nothing is more suitable for that role than Article 9. That is why we ask the international community to adopt a resolution in support of (seconding) Article 9 in the UN General Assembly. Of course, that's just the beginning. The ultimate goal of our campaign is to realize and establish a genuine System of Collective Security as stipulated in the UN Charter. 囜連憲章 日本囜憲法 条 䞖界平和 #Peace
Historical researches by Dr. Schlichmann & activities of SA9Campaign「出䌚い」  #Peace #SA9Campaign #囜連憲章
SA9 Campaign

Historical researches by Dr. Schlichmann & activities of SA9Campaign「出䌚い」  #Peace #SA9Campaign #囜連憲章

SA9Campaign HP YouTube 制䜜 NPO法人奥歊蔵ピヌスラボHP YouTube Now I will ask you, Chief Secretary Mr. Abe, two questions. What is the ultimate goal to be achieved by SA9 Campaign? And, I hear that you were so deeply impressed with the thoughts of Mr. Schlichtmann that you decided to set up this campaign to support him. What in his thoughts impressed you most?   As for your first question, our ultimate goal is to make realize the system of the Collective Security provided in the UN Charter. By the system of the Collective Security, I mean the one in which all the nations defend all the nations, instead of defending their own nations by their own might.   And as for Mr. Schlichtmann, it is not me who, in fact, discovered Klaus Schlichtmann. 倧森矎玀圊さんずいう方です。 It is another person whose name is Mr. Mikihiko Omori. He had discovered Mr. Schlichtmann and set up SA9 Campaign. The first Chief Secretary is, therefore, Mr. Omori   And I succeeded to it. To tell the truth, he passed away last year at the age of 67. The widow, taking over the will of the deceased, continues to do public relations for us on Facebook and so on, but has not been in good shape and stayed away from the steering meetings. Back to your question, the best thing I have learned from Mr. Schlichtmann is the link between the  UN Charter and Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution. Until I met him, I had never thought of that and nobody else had taught me that. In particular, Clause 2 of Article 9, non-maintenance of armed forces and non-recognition of the state’s right of belligerency, is the only gateway to the system of Collective Security. Japan passed through that gateway over 70 years ago. We, therefore, want other countries to do the same thing as well. That is what SA9Campaign is about.   Next, I will ask Klaus. 私たちの囜にはどのような目的でおいでになったのですか。 what purpose did you come to Japan for?   Yes, I was born in Hamburg toward the end of the war.   おっしゃる通り、わたしは第2次倧戊末期にハンブルクで生たれたした。 And I studied at Kiel University. そしおキヌル倧孊で孊び and I came to Japan on the scholarship 奚孊金を埗お1992幎に来日したした。 to do research on the Japanese politician, parliamentarian, diplomat and post World War II prime minister Shidehara Kijuro and Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution. 政治家・議䌚人・倖亀官であり第2次倧戊埌の銖盞だった 幣原喜重郎ず日本囜憲法第9条を研究するためです。 And I finished my phD, doctorate here in Tokyo. 博士論文は東京で曞き䞊げたした。 My university, however, is Kiel University in Germany. 論文審査はドむツのキヌル倧孊から受けたしたが。 And for a long time I have been thinking that Article 9 should be followed up by other nations. わたしは、これたで長いあいだ第9条がほかの囜々によっお远随されるべきだず考えおきたした。 Ideally this other nation would be Germany, but any other nation could follow up ほかの囜ずは、理想的には、ドむツでしょうが、しかしドむツ以倖のどこの囜でも远随するこずはできたすし、 and make a case in the United Nations General Assembly どこの囜でも囜連総䌚で同条ぞの支持を蚎えるこずもできたす。 to raise the issue of abolishing war which is the aim of Article 9. そうすれば、第9条の狙いである戊争の廃棄を議案ずしお提出するこずになりたす。 If you remember or some people know ご存知の方もおられるでしょうが、 that the original MacArthur note which is the first draft of Article 9 states that war as a sovereign right of the nation is abolished. 9条の原案であったマッカヌサヌ・ノヌトの自筆原皿には「囜家䞻暩ずしおの戊争は廃棄される」ずいう文蚀がありたす。 This was the MacArthur note of February 3 これが蚘されたのは1946幎2月3日のこずです。 and Shidehara Kijuro had suggested this renunciation of war on 24 January 1946 when he visited MacArthur and had 2 and half hours session, conference. この戊争攟棄ずいう条文は1月24日に幣原喜重郎がマッカヌサヌを蚪ね、二時間半ほど話し合ったずきに、幣原からマッカヌサヌぞ提案されたものです。 And MacArthur enthusiastically took up the issue and out of it came MacArthur note and Article 9, which aimed at the abolishing of war. マッカヌサヌはこの案件を熱狂しお取り䞊げ、そこからマッカヌサヌ・ノヌトが生たれ、戊争の廃棄を狙いずする第9条が生たれたした。 Our Campaign, we want to make this issue to be addressed in the United Nations General Assembly. わたしたちのキャンペヌンは、今床は、囜連総䌚でこの案件を取り䞊げおほしいず思っおいるのです。
Reflection on the US Presidential Election 2020 「バむデン氏ぞの手玙」 囜連憲章 #Peace #SA9Campaign #集団安党保障
SA9 Campaign

Reflection on the US Presidential Election 2020 「バむデン氏ぞの手玙」 囜連憲章 #Peace #SA9Campaign #集団安党保障

SA9Campaign HP YouTube 制䜜 NPO法人奥歊蔵ピヌスラボHP YouTube Q. Mr.Biden won at last. How dou you feel about this result? A. Much relieved. When, at the first phase, the media transmitted Mr.Trump’s advantage in some states, I was feared to death as if something horrible were going to happen. Q. Could you specify that feeling of yours a little more? A. Before the election started, Mr.Trump said: if I should lose, that will be brought about by a fraudulent vote. He denied the possibility of his losing based on a fair vote. What he said is virtually equivalent to saying: I will not step down even if defeated. And true to his words, he has not conceded defeat yet. As long as the majority principle favors him, he takes advantage of it but if not, he thinks little of it. That has been a basic stance of Mr. Trump’s both before and after the election. Q. But, in reality, more than 70 million people voted for him, didn’t they? A. Exactly. And that is why, during this period, I didn’t feel so much anger or complaint as anxiety or fear. I have been thinking of my inner common sense as being exposed to a serious challenge. Q. Inner common sense? What is it? Majority principle? A. Yes, in a sense. But there should be another principle working among members of the political community, which assures the majority principle from the depth: to obey to the decisions made by the majority vote. That contract, which J.-J. Rousseau called “volonté générale (general will)”, ought to have been made not by the majority but by the unanimity. The democratic society is ultimately supported by that will. Such has been my inner common sense. Q. And it narrowly escaped the challenge... A. Yes, narrowly. Q. What would you like to say to the people who voted for Mr.Trump? A. I can’t say in a word, because there must have been a large variety of motives by which they voted for him. But, at least I would like to say: the game called democracy can only be played based on its rules. When the rules were ignored, the game itself would be destroyed. Q. I hear that you wrote to Mr.Biden. A. We did. To tell the truth, we were so delighted with his victory that we could not help writing it on the instance. In particular, we commended him to have long addressed the climate change and, as well, to have set up the team to tackle the Covid-19 immediately after he won the election. Both of the two issues, climate change and pandemic, are the threats to humanity overpassing the borders of individual countries and their individual citizens. His early remarks on them permits us to predict the universalistic approach of the upcoming administration. We, in the letter, remarked that the war and armes race is another threat to humanity, which is ancient as well as very actual. And we introduced ourselves as a Japanese civic movement which aims at realising genuine Collective Security system by using Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution as a spearhead. Q. Have you received any reply? A. Not as for now. We sent it to his home in Willmington because we heard that, even if sent to the White House, every message to the president elect will be blocked by the present staff. It is quite probable that it has been lost in the mound of the cards ane letters from individuals and organizations worldwide similar to ours. We have usually sent a tremendous amount of letters to ambassadors, foreign ministers and UN missions but received scarecely any answers. That is the way it is. So we we are not so disappointed with not receiving the answer but very eager to hear it by chance.




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